This camel’s reaction to being tricked into eating a lemon

    by AdvisorPast637


    1. Camels eat cactus for real, totally safe for them. Lemons are safe too, simply they don’t like the taste

      So just chill out

    2. MikhailxReign on

      A literal fucking cactus = yum
      Lemon = I will destroy all humans

      I wouldn’t love eating a lemon like that either, but it’s funny that it’s the worse option.

    3. I feel like lemon juice in the resulting cuts from eating a cactus even if they are equipped for it isn’t funny it’s mean

    4. AnxiousToe281 on

      I Use to take care of two camels and they were complete assholes. These things are huge, it’s scary af when they start to chase you.

    5. 74pezdspencer on

      I didn’t know cactus grew where camels live. Thought they were a north/South America thing. I guess I don’t know shit about flora and fauna on the other side of the atlantic

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