Grasshopper farming, no thanks!

    by InkedMetalHead


    1. I think we will be seeing this as a more common food source worldwide in the near future. My son had some cooked at school he said with the spices added it actually wasn’t bad.

    2. … stop trying to soften us up for the bug eating dystopian future. I’ve already dealt with more crises and local to global level catastrophes in my life than I think are necessary for character development.

    3. I’ve had grasshopper a few times. Once straight up fried. If miso and mushrooms had babies, that’s what I’d imagine it to taste like. Though they get most of their flavour from what they are cooked with or dipped into. Was tasty with a satisfying crunch.
      The other way I had them was they had been ground to a flour consistency and then had been added to flour and made in to pasta.
      Would eat both ways again.
      Have eaten quite a few insects and if they were easily available I would have no issue adding them to my diet.

    4. I mean….. on one hand gross and on another as someone who loves food. What kind of recipes can I make to make them taste amazing.

    5. A lot of Saudis been eating them for ages! It’s a delicious according to my cousin.

    6. Drago-Destroyer on

      The human population on earth must be kept on increasing for capitalism until everyone has no other option but to eat insects for protein.

    7. As long as they are grown in a closed and clean environment like this I’m all for it, I’ve had fried crickets and they were great. I’m not eating raw bugs but cook ’em up and I’m in.

    8. A long time ago my sister worked for the forest service. They were workin’. There were some hikers around dusk, and a gad damn grasshopper jumped right into some guy’s ear hole.

      They tried tweezers, they tried smoke, the damn thing kept burrowing into his ear and the guy was flown away by helicopter to have the grasshopper surgically removed from his head. It just kept digging. The guy was screaming.

      So yeah I’ve got this irrational fear. Comments/concerns, I can’t really answer them. Nature is chaos.

    9. paraesthetical on

      This might be the solution to gain protein from third world countries who can’t afford meat

    10. Why is the narration sounding like I’ve been attacking their livelihood first second? Relax

    11. AdventurousCrazy5852 on

      Where did all the vegans go? Here’s your guilt free protein source. We wouldn’t want to ruin the planet with all the farting cows lol. They just need some bbq sauce!

    12. Various-Event6087 on

      I have never eaten any grasshoppers in my life but I feel like they have a similar taste to shrimps for some reason. Anyone here to confirm or deny my suggestion?

    13. Creeper_charged7186 on

      Shit its a job where you get to feed cute bugs, if i didnt have better plans in mind this would actually be an option

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