I have too much empathy to vote Republican

    by BigClitMcphee


    1. Using MY tax money to feed the hungry? What an abomination!

      Next thing you know, they’ll be using tax money to heal the sick or house the homeless!


    2. Harris wants a ceasefire. Her and Biden are working towards it right now.

      Trump wants Netanyahu to go farther, to kill *every* palestinian and to “finish the job”.

    3. As long as it doesn’t end up in Joel Osteen’s pocket or teaching some kid that the Earth is 6,000 years old, I’ll have to grin and tough it out.

    4. MagmulGholrob on

      These dumb fuckers act like this is some kinda burn.

      “Yuir taxes r gonna feed hungry kids!!”

      ”Thats OK with me. Hungry kids and their families should get fed. “

    5. ParamedicSpecific130 on

      Under the current system with federal budgeting, blue states routinely subsidize deep red ones but they aren’t ready to talk about all that.

      Something something socialism something.

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