Very good young man

    by Miserable_Young3668


    1. someguythatisunfunny on

      true meaning of sigma (god that shit was cringe as fuck why did I say that shit)

    2. antisocial_empath on

      when it comes to raising boys, this is the way. courage, physical strength and agility, service, resilience, responsibility, commitment. ugh there is hope! ya love to see it.

    3. BenjaminDover02 on

      Props to the young badass but I hope his parents put him in therapy immediately afterward because that shit must have been traumatizing.

    4. **July 24 2024 Latest Update**

      > Both Lindy & Wayne are progressing better day by day. Lindy will need an additional surgery for her right hand to gain more movement to her Dominant hand. She is dreading this due to another round of the healing process she will have to endure. Wayne is finally able to get back working. It is awesome how resilient he is to provide for his family. Thank you to each and every one of YOU for your kind words off encouragement as well as every single donation my family has received to help with the mounds of hospital bills that seem to be never ending for them. Also, a Huge Thank You to Our Mother for continuing to come out to their house every day to help with any and everything that is needed. They feel very blessed.

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