Vance is just straight vile trash.

    by MothersMiIk


    1. Lost_Focus4822 on

      She probably deleted the tweet for the same reason the Arlington worker declined to press charges: fear of retribution.

    2. First_Play5335 on

      She supports MAGA. These are her people. Rather than recognize the misogyny of her party she blames online bullying. SMH. 🤦‍♀️

    3. At this point, pretty much anyone stumping for Trump who is not a rich, cishet White dude is tempting fate when it comes to attacks by face-eating leopards.

    4. Why is violent rhetoric not tolerated as much in the democratic party?

      I get we should move forward and hold heads high and have faith in the system and that we shouldn’t stoop to low levels. But bullies only respond when they get their ass handed to them and our system doesn’t swing fast enough for some people. Our own constitution says democracy is in the peoples hands and that they need to take a stand against those impeding on our freedoms. I believe they are speaking of people like the current Maga crowd. I believe it’s in the peoples hands to use force to ensure democracy. We wouldn’t have to storm the capitol to get at the dump. Just sayin.

    5. FattyMooseknuckle on

      LOL, she said 17 years. What a blonde dingbat. It was only a few years ago. Five tops!

    6. I wonder how Vance will like it when we’re all still tweeting that he weird for the next 15 years. Goals here guys…..

    7. IT’S NOT JD’S FAULT! He was only kidding say it’s ok if what he said did was morally bankrupt. And since he was kidding he doesn’t even need to apologize.

      Edit: Holy hell this is /s. I thought the “morally bankrupt” part was enough to show I don’t support that asshat.

    8. ionlylikemydogjvp on

      I don’t feel bad for her. She’s a MAGAt and an anti-vaxxer. She was an idiot 17 years ago and she’s an idiot now.

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