Least calm british

    by Icy_Cap4592


    1. “No anger, lets just take this calmly.”

      Holy shit I would be still sitting in that car speechless and thinking about the possible injuries I have and don’t feel yet.

      “I am uninjured” – but will probably never drive a car again, lol

    2. Looks like the guy, whos actual fault it was, just fucked off. Guy in the silver golf was being dangerously overtaken.

    3. Overtaking with a hill blocking your view is a bad move, but it also looks like the camera man was speeding quite a bit leaving very little time to react.

    4. NightshadeNocturne on

      We all know the stereotypical British person is unshakeably calm, but this man takes it to a whole new level. Nothing can ruffle his tea-sipping, stiff-upper-lipped composure!

    5. WoodSteelStone on

      The politeness reminds me of this video.

      [A police officer in London admitting he’s made a mistake and apologising.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/le28sh/cop_makes_mistake_admits_it_and_lets_everyone_go/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) A little bicycle bell so no-one gets hurt. A (polite) challenge. A (polite) explanation. A realisation that a mistake has been made. An apology. A reassurance that no offence has been taken plus a thank you. Everybody gets on with their day.

      [Same video on Imgur.](https://imgur.com/a/OFue4zI) Volume on.

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