come at me bro

    by undo-undo-undo-undo


    1. Kinky-Bicycle-669 on

      She would have come running to me and crawled up on my shoulder or demanded to be held.

    2. lilackitten05 on

      I’d pick up my work bag. During the pandemic I accidentally trained my dog to know that we were going to my parents house (his favourite place) by picking up a specific blue laptop bag. Now every Wednesday when I pick up that bag he goes crazy thinking he’s gonna get to go in the car AND eat nothing but dog treats the rest of the day 🤣

    3. FearlessDistrict5100 on

      If I talk to him, he’ll talk right back. and each of his meows have different connotations. so I’ll just insult a cat until I find the cat that insults me back in his tone.

    4. hellokittypjpants on

      Id say give me your (literally any word). My dogs don’t give af, as long as you say “give me your” before saying the word,they’ll give you their paw.

    5. everybodybugsme on

      I have three dogs so:

      Des – I would say “is auntie berta here” cause he loves my sister so fucking much

      Phil – whoever screams when I say “cry for the kitty” is him

      Moby – either blow on him (he rubs his face in the floor if you do that) or I would say “stretch it” and whichever one does a down dog stretch is mine

    6. Sociolinguisticians on

      Sit down and put on my shoes. She always thinks that means walk time and shoves the top of her head into my chest.

    7. With my dog tank I would sit on the floor and say “kisses” and wait for him to floop on my face begging for kisses. Tater tot would probably be the naughtiest dog in the room – I’d find him either humping some poor dogs face or sneaking away. But if I said “where is mama?” He’d come running looking for my mom- not me.

    8. Don’t need to say or do anything

      If I’m within 100 feeet of him, he will flop on his back and stare expectingly

    9. The_Alrighty_Zed on

      I would go kiss my wife and those two attention hogs would come running up as though I owed them some sort of huge debt.

    10. My cat follows me when I tell him to come, i take him out on walks frequently, withouth using his name so ye.

    11. My dog would already be at my feet looking at me like “this place sucks, I’m clearly the best. Let’s go.”

    12. “Want to play fetch with the ball?”

      The unholy ferocity and enthusiasm in which she would respond to that would tell me all I needed to know.

    13. I scream in a high-pitch long drown out voice, “UUUNNNOOOOO BABYSITOOOOOO!!!” he’ll find me

    14. I’d stand in the middle of the crowd and shout, “Who here owes me money?” The one that starts backing away slowly—yeah, that’s the one who is getting it tonight

    15. My cat is deaf, if you ‘pspspsps’ all other cats will come. The one still siting there is my cat

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