theres so much love in that cake

    by Fallen-Angel05


    1. lilypondwhimsy on

      Omg this person’s dad is a national treasure and should be protected at all costs

    2. old_and_boring_guy on

      I had this conceit that I’d make my wife and my’s wedding cake. I made a *lot* of cake, and got pretty good at it, but the whole decision got yoinked away from me, and I didn’t make a fuss because getting ready to get married and making a big-ass cake turned out to be crazy stressful.

      Fast forward years later, my daughter decided at the last minute that she wanted a fancy cake, and I could take time off to make it and my wife couldn’t so I did it, and I pulled out all the stops.

      Got called out by my son (who was older) for having “bought” a cake and pretending like I made it.

      It’s better to look a little amateur.

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