Actual email Trump campaign sent this AM 😂

    by MoreMotivation


    1. SMOKEYmonster725 on

      He isn’t going anywhere!! JD is probably just changing his name again. Hillibilly Vanilli is his new name!!

    2. ClaudetteLeon23 on

      Is it even possible for Vance to be replaced? Personally, I couldn’t care less because RFK Jr. is weirder than him. I think he would make things even worse for Trump. Trump’s stupid followers don’t realize that because he’s a Kennedy, but the guy is REALLY off his rocker.

    3. Sea-Caterpillar-7335 on

      Dude just had a rally in Michigan and ended with something to the effect of we need more JOY! JOY! So much Joy! Such losers

    4. Tell all your MAGA buds that now that RFK is on team Trump, a vote for him on the ballot counts as part of Trumps total.

    5. Somnambulinguist on

      As Heidi Klum would say “One day you’re in, and the next day you’re out.” Such is the life of a Trump loyalist. Soon he’ll be someone Trump “really doesn’t know, met him once or twice and took a photo.”

    6. Oh god I’m not signing up for their mailing list but now I want to know what kind of harm will befall JD. And I’m not asking because I’m definitely cheering for the harm.

    7. AzureStrikerZero on

      They’re gonna stage an assassination and blame the dems. (Knowing how stupid their base is they’ll believe it’s real).

    8. newfrontier58 on

      If Trump actually told his campaign to get rid of Vance so he could put RFK Jr. on, that might just seal the election for Harris and Walz. Fingers crossed.

    9. MeatballUnited on

      It’s okay, Vancey, now you can get back to more pressing matters with your couch.

    10. If they send him out to the country to shoot tv ads with Kristi Noem, he’s fucked.

      Look at the flowers JD, look at the pretty flowers.

    11. So remember when there was speculation that Kamala couldn’t take over for Biden because so many states already had their primaries? Well, not only have primaries been had but he is the party elected VP. I’d say by their own standards, they are stuck with him

    12. CorporateAccounting on

      It’s hard to feel bad for the people Trump throws away like garbage when they are, in fact, garbage lol

    13. ImpovingTaylorist on

      I thought they said it was illegal and undemocratic to replace candidates at this stage…

    14. someguyfromsk on

      “this could be my last email, unless you seen $49.95 a month to: youaregettingscamed@magaaregullible .com”

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