Imagine if we all said what we felt.

    by mindyour


    1. Nah, that’s two jobs and I’m only getting paid for one! I stay professional but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna be fake about some shit….

    2. I stopped caring and I will let an employee know that I don’t like them. It does make for some awkward moments of silence, but whatever.

    3. Productpusher on

      People need to not get in these situations by learning how to end a conversation like an asshole where they have no chance of following up .

      50% mix of Larry David and 50% years of childhood trauma .

    4. Once me and a coworker had a small argument and it became clear we just don’t fuck with each other at all, it became so much easier to just be civil and professional with them rather than having to be fake friendly. That shit is exhausting.

    5. I just left the workforce this April. When my colleagues would ask why I’m leaving I’d say “because I’m tired of looking at and talking to y’all”. They would always laugh like I was joking. I meant every word.

    6. festival-papi on

      He either about to breakdown or he got something lined up. No one lets the inside thoughts out for the hell of it.

    7. Damn I feel like I live in bizzaro land. Out of every job I’ve worked in the past 8~ years I can only think of 2 coworkers that I actively disliked.

      The rest i was indifferent to or enjoyed. Part of me feels like it’s a mindset thing though and how I go into work feeling. I never LIKE going to work but I know everyone has to work, so might as well find fun where I can.

    8. Bro everyday I’m like…. Smh I’m really smiling in these people’s faces for a paycheck and a pension… It doesn’t get easier the older we get. I find myself just getting more aggy

    9. Sometimes you just have to let a co-worker know what rung of the ladder they’re on.

    10. IDontHaveIceborneYet on

      Had a horrendous manager when I was a college student working at Walmart and one day my roommate and I just got tired of him and basically told him to go f himself. Oddly enough HE (the manager) was the one who got fired not us

    11. HonestSapphireLion24 on

      Working with Coworkers you don’t like is basically acting on a tv show except you get paid worse and don’t qualify for an Oscar.

    12. French_Taylor on

      I don’t hate all of my coworkers, just a few. And only because they have a poor work ethic that severely affects my work flow whenever we have to collaborate.

    13. SmokePenisEveryday on

      After a year at this new job, I’ve just stopped with the fake laughs. All the same ass jokes with the same ass people. Let me just get work done with in peace

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