The richest country in the world, everyone

    by FalconLynx13


    1. “We need you at a higher risk of dying before we can decide if we will pay for treatment, but will also deny that treatment because it’s unlikely to save you.”

    2. StandOutLikeDogBalls on

      Fucking insurance. They have their own doctors that review cases and decide what to do with the company’s best financial interests in mind, not ours.

    3. IHaveALittleNeck on

      I hit my out-of-pocket maximum this year because of gall bladder surgery so my insurance company isn’t approving anything until January when they can start charging me again.

    4. “You don’t have enough cancer to be worth treating”

      *gets more cancer*

      “You have too much cancer to survive, no reason to treat you now”


    5. blandocalrissian50 on

      My mom suffered a stroke last year. It’s was devastating to her and to us. She will never be able to live without 24/7 care. If Trump wins, she will be fucked as will my step-dad. If Trump wins, I’m out of here. Fuck this shit.

    6. It absolutely amazes me that a large portion of Americans think this is better than socialized medicine.

    7. Whenever someone says “socialized medicine” when I bring up Medicare For All, I always ask the same question: what part of status quo healthcare do you want to keep?

    8. Insurance companies are using AI tech to auto-deny claims at the last moment in order to prevent contention.

    9. I don’t understand why America doesn’t just nationalize medical insurance. Step 1, do that. Step 2 cut markup for profit. Step 3 stop denying people. Step 4 expand. People get insurance, and pay less. Only one who loses is insurance CEOs and investors.

    10. My dental insurance decided last minute that they wouldn’t pay to have me put to sleep to have my super infected tooth removed and the insurance person told me they would only cover it if I had two or more infected teeth taken out. >!my dentist removed an unnecessary wisdom tooth so I’d be covered!< fuck American heath care

    11. Hide all your assets, get treatment, declare bankruptcy. This is also American, just wealthy American behavior.

    12. ErectTubesock on

      Private insurance is a fucking scam. They’d let every single man, woman, and child in this country die if they thought it would increase their profits by 0.0000000000001%

    13. Something wrong with that whole picture – pun intended. Hope things go well. Right? Ugh!!!

    14. Remember fear mongering about death panels?

      We have them, they’re called insurance adjusters.

    15. I just got a letter from my insurance saying they won’t cover the entire two months I was in the hospital. Bill came to over $310,000.

    16. Yup my husband has a growth on his thyroid (he’s had other cancer previously in his late 20’s) and we were told the tumor isn’t big enough to require a biopsy or exam at this point. We caught it early but can’t do a damn thing about it.

      Oh and he works in the ER…

    17. When you’re worried about your health the last thing you need is to get bogged down in insurance matters. Sorry you have this added burden. Can your hospital intervene?

    18. Informal_Cream_9060 on

      Maybe if you didn’t eat avacado toast all the time you could afford better insurance. Loser. Now I gotta go, my Bible study is meeting soon.

    19. greenswizzlewooster on

      The person who made this decision was not a doctor and has no medical education. Insurance companies need to go.

    20. SirPoopaLotTheThird on

      Conservatives want you to understand in no uncertain terms that just because the country is rich it has absolutely nothing at all to do with you, pleb.

    21. SisterActTori on

      I guess you don’t get to be the richest country in the world by spending money to keep citizens healthy. Insurance, all insurance is a pyramid scheme.

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