Mom and Dad on their wedding day in 1980 vs 2024 (Celebrating 44 years of marriage!!)

    by amey_zing1


    1. weird_sister_cc on

      Congrats to tour parents on their 40 years! And you must be utterly gorgeous with those genes…

    2. There are three important life lessons in these two pics…

      1) you’ve hit the genetic lottery; 2) duplicate their lifestyle regiments as they’ve slowed down, if not stopped time in its tracks; and 3) a 40+ year marriage didn’t happen by accident… they worked very hard at it and persevered in spite of temporary obstacles.

      Please pass on my congratulations to Mom and Dad as I believe we’re in the same relative age group, and will celebrate our 41st anniversary later this year.

    3. That second picture looks just like Fresno. If it is, then your parents classy the place up for sure.

    4. Wow 44 years is epic! They don’t look old enough tbh – looking amazing, healthy and happy!

    5. tiefling-rogue on

      Everyone in this sub loves their parents and it’s so wholesome. Does my orphan ass need to self-soothe every time it pops up in my feed SURE but it’s still beautiful to see y’all.

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