My wife saw a Cybertruck and punched me and yelled dumpsterfire. This has replaced slugbug for us.

    by paganblue


    1. Every time my 8yr old daughter sees it on the road, she also yells “look look baba there is a dumpster”.

    2. Weary_Act_2314 on

      I just saw one on the road for the first time a few days ago, and of these are not the most pretentious ridiculous looking things I don’t know what are.

    3. Captain_Righteous on

      My wife & I were just saying how ugly it is. The straight smooth pieces reduce production costs. People think it looks futuristic but it looks like a toaster or in this case a trash can.

    4. TheRealChexHaze on

      Why hasn’t the manufacturer of the dumpster sued Tesla over stealing their design?

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