Man with 40 year old dreadlocks that he has been growing since the age of 15

    by ExplorerFast335


    1. johnruttersucks on

      I wonder how much of that hair is just held on by being woven with other strands of hair rather than being attached to the scalp.

    2. MarkMaynardDotcom on

      As someone with OCD, I cannot begin to tell you the anxiety videos like this can create

    3. TheAlchemist420247 on

      If my guy ever gets into a survival situation he’s gonna have lots of rope.

    4. whoyouwherethabanana on

      Rastapunzle toss down your locks, so we can blaze this heap of kush I’ve brought hither!

    5. I had a roommate with dreads. You CAN actually wash them. Can confirm, there was no smell

    6. Doesn’t look great for being 55. Also the scientist in me wants samples of what’s living on this guy’s hair/head.

    7. srirachacoffee1945 on

      How does someone even survive long enough to do that, i loved having long hair, but i wouldn’t be able to work with it long, and i can’t buy food without working.

    8. There was a guy in my city that had dreads down to his knees. He had to cut them off because he was having bad neck pain. Turns out, the weight of the hair was compressing one of his vertebrae, and doctors were worried it could cause permanent damage. Can’t imagine this guy feels much better

    9. Soft-Potato6567 on

      On one hand that’s cool af…you’re literally carrying hair/a part of you from 40 years ago. The history on his hair is wild, you can see how his hair color has changed as he aged (yes I know that’s what happens but still looks cool af).

      On the other hand…bro…I can’t imagine not showering/washing my hair for a week, hell a month, much less 40 YEARS!!! 💀

    10. easant-Role-3170Pl on

      When I was a student I got dreadlocks, it was the worst decision of my life only because the struggle with dandruff and skin irritations lasted for about 10 years, I had dreadlocks for about 2 years

    11. Okaycockroach on

      This has go weigh so much. I had dreads that went down past my butt and they were so heavy. Especially when showering / washing them. That’s why I ended up cutting them off, because I couldn’t handle the neck + back pain anymore. 

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