This why we need regulations

    by BaldHourGlass667


    1. FoamingCellPhone on

      Even though deregulation is basically just a word to say “We the government have decided that it was wrong of us to stop X industry from blasting your ass” I am truly shocked that it has negative outcomes.

    2. Away-Conclusion-7968 on

      All the conservatives who claim that these industries will self regulate seem to forget that a river in Cleveland caught on fire multiple times, companies hired children, factories locked workers inside while they burned down, and it used to rain acid on the regular.

      If a company can save a dollar at the cost of your life, they’d do it without a second thought.

    3. anythingfordopamine on

      Can’t forget the SCOTUS judges Trump appointed overturning Chevron. So now judges, who also can now accept bribes thanks to that same panel, will be ruling on extremely technical regulatory issues instead of deferring to subject matter experts who actually know what they’re talking about.

    4. shoofinsmertz on

      Chevron made it so judges make laws on regulations, not experts, so we can’t make any complex laws like having at maximum 300ppm of anything in drinking water


      Any system is only as good as its regulation.

      That’s how we got into this economic dystopia of people vs. Corporations, to begin with.

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