Mandatory post about canada not knowing how to behave (Outside of war this time tho)

    by NotUselessRedMage


    1. NotUselessRedMage on


      In 1972 the soviet union and canada held the summit series. This was the first time the soviet national team, who dominated international hockey faced off against the best Canadians from the NHL, who were barred from international competition on account of being professionals.

      While many in Canada thought the series would be a clean sweep for the Canadian team, the soviets would open the first 5 games of the 8 game series with a record of 3-1-1(Tie, not overtime loss). Many attribute this to the Canadian team’s lack of respect for the soviet team, the tournament being held during the offseason(They did not practise much for this tournament) and a lack of cohesion from players playing on different teams.

      Canada would regroup, winning the next 3 straight to take the tournament. One advantage that the Canadians has over the Soviets was that compared to international competition, the NHL was much more physical/gritty/violent(Look up Bobby Clarke’s stanley cup picture 2 years after this tournament). This style of play culminated with Bobby Clarke slashing Valeri Kharlomov’s(Arguably the soviets best player) ankle, breaking his bone.


    2. A lot of people in New Zealand think that because I’m Canadian I’m very polite

      I think it’s cute

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