Lyndon B. Johnson being sworn in as President aboard Air Force One, two hours and 8 minutes after JFK’s assassination, November 22nd, 1963.

    by MajorStrain


    1. I was in that plane. It’s at the Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio. That place is rad, I ate a buffalo chicken wrap sitting above a SR 71 Blackhawk a little later no joke. Edit : BLACKBIRD , I’m drinking 🥴

    2. letsbuildasnowman on

      I’ve stood on board the aircraft exactly where this photo was taken, it’s pretty surreal.

    3. Most of the blood stains are not visible in this photo because of the way she’s standing, but there was a lot of JFK’s blood on Jackie Kennedy’s suit, and she insisted on wearing it. She hadn’t wanted to be in this photo, but LBJ convinced her that it was the only way his presidency would be accepted as legitimate by JFK’s supporters.

    4. This is old-school but not cool. This event and the grieving widow pictured, happened due to a murder. If there is anything cool in this photo it is Sarah T. Hughes who is doing the swearing in. She was a federal judge in Dallas that they quickly pressed in to service to do the swearing in. To date, she is the only woman to swear in a president.

    5. I just got through reading “Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot” it was pretty eye opening.

    6. LinenGarments on

      There was no specific time of the assassination since he was not declared dead right away. Does the assassination count the moment of the act or does it become assassination at the time of death? It’s a poorly worded concept here where the person did not die contemporaneous with the act of assassination.

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