Hmm I wonder where we’ve seen that before ?

    by imjustheretodomyjob


    1. Zionist Israelis: “Discrimination is wrong, we can all agree right?”

      Most people: “We agree! Let’s talk about Palestine and how they’re trea-“

      Zionist Israelis:


    2. getthatjiggle on

      It’s hard to see this every day and still know my country’s (USA) not going to do a thing to stop it, stop flooding these crowded, shrinking streets with innocent’s blood. And using my fucking taxes to do it. We said never again, did they ever intend to mean it? Or just not to them.

    3. Dense_Lettuce_5065 on

      I wouldn’t want to say anything about the Israeli war effort which could be viewed as ‘critical’ since, in the United States, people are real quick to conflate that with anti-semitism. That tracks because Netanyahu speaks for ALL Jewish people, right? /s

    4. They stealing plays from other team’s playbook


    5. The medias steadfast belief that Israel has not been killing and bombing Palestinians for nearly a century is almost impressive. They tip-toe around EVERYTHING. And yes I know they are most likely aware of it, but they refuse to acknowledge it for what it is.

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