Pirates be like

    by SAMU0L0


    1. I had been thinking about doing this for a while and when I saw the other meme about this I thought it would be funny to put it up now.

    2. I still remember when in assassin’s creed black flag the pirates said “We and the natives are allies because we both love freedom”

      Sure lol, sure.

    3. TerryFromFubar on

      A rollicking band of pirates we,

      Who, tired of tossing on the sea,

      Are trying their hand at a burglary,

      With weapons grim and gory.

    4. Current_Silver_5416 on

      English officer be like:

      “Hey guys, it’s OK, that’s Davies, he was in my ship back during the war, guess he got laid off afterwards. But hey, a man’s got to eat, right?”.

    5. TheFrogEmperor on

      Pirates in fiction be like “yo where the fuck is this cunts treasure. We’re on episode 1000 and we ain’t found shit”

    6. I saw the red coat and assumed it was going to be about the Brits blockading Africa and freeing over 150,000 slaves.

    7. Worried_Onion4208 on

      The captain had 2 shares, everybody else had a share, they were equal between themselves. On the other hand, they didn’t care where the money came from.

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