The library in Shanghai has Book Sterilizers that flip through all the pages under a UV light

    by Antares42


    1. I’m not super convinced at the effectiveness, because I think you’d need more than a few milliseconds of UV light to destroy pathogens, but hey.

      Hadn’t seen them before.

    2. MustyMustacheMan on

      Thank god. The book population is out of hand as it is. They’re reproducing at a unstoppable rate.

    3. Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George brings the book into the bookstore bathroom

    4. Opus-the-Penguin on

      Reliably kills the zombie virus. If you want proof, there has not been a zombie outbreak in Shanghai since they installed this.

    5. So here’s a random study which evaluated the effects of UV (of a wavelength that’s safe for human cells) on bacteria, yeast and viruses. []( It’s not that it doesn’t work, but they were absolutely blasting their cultures with UV for a really long time to get results.

      Unless this thing takes several days to sterilize a book, it probably won’t be doing much. (I guess it would work better if it’s using much lower wavelength UV at really high power, in which case congrats, you invented a device that replicates the effect of opening a book you found in a tomb like Indiana Jones and having the pages crumble to dust… It’s frightening how quickly 254nm UV at decent power discolors and damages stuff and sunburns people if something goes wrong and you get exposed. And even I’m pretty sure that still takes longer to reliably sterilize than I think would be practical.)

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