Never forgive, never forget the slaughters of Katyń

    by Winged_Hussar90


    1. With the Russians the answer is always “daze and confuse”. No enemy can control the narrative if the narrative doesn’t make sense.

    2. blockybookbook on

      Russia essentially said “lmao fuck you then” and did a 180

      Crazy how governments can flip so hard in such a relatively short amount of time

    3. Did they actually acknowledge it or was it tacit acknowledgement that the media took and rolled with to spite them

      Also yes I know this is from 2010, I wasn’t following geopolitics at that point lol

    4. External-Tower-819 on

      26th November 2010 is the article date.

      So I guess my question is, you’re posting this now? But why?

    5. Alone_Comparison_705 on

      It was probably just some small political maneuver, to get some diplomatic points, that probably most Russians never really heard this. Also probably after getting some PR points after (probably made by them) Smoleńsk Crash. Putin will never truly, and openly admit to Katyń. Not only Russian state work that way in Eastern Europe tho.

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