
    by Monsur_Ausuhnom


    1. Anne_Nonymouse on

      The Republican party is only interested in increasing the wealth of the wealthy. 😒

    2. SilverFlight01 on

      Someone once said that increasing wages would result in higher labor costs, but as long as it doesn’t put the company in the red, then it shouldn’t be a problem, right?

    3. TheEvilOfTwoLessers on

      Under Biden’s economy I (and my entire department) received the highest rate increase our company has ever given us. This is a company of over 20k people and it’s the highest raise I’ve ever received (excluding changing companies or positions, which really wouldn’t be a raise).

      Under Trump it was a stagnant 2% each year. Under Biden it’s been 3%, 4%, 7.5%, and I’ll know by the end of the year what the next raise will be.

    4. Raising the minimum wage does nothing more than raise the poverty line. You just end up with a new baseline for being poor. The wages will rise across the board and the cost of everything also raises. The only entity that benefits from a rising minimum wage is the government in the form of taxes. Nobody gets ahead, we just stay where we always were.

    5. Remember, MAGAs are incapable of rational thought. Irony and hypocrisy are lost on them.

    6. Doesn’t raising the minimum wage drive up prices on goods and services (inflation) which would be a pay cut for middle class?
      Helping working families isn’t as simple as raising min wage, in my opinion.

    7. The rest of the story goes like this, but you probably don’t want to know .

      A group of Democratic senators joined all Senate Republicans in voting against Sen. Bernie Sanders provision when he attempted to add the wage hike back into the bill after a key Senate official, the parliamentarian, had ruled it could not stay in Bidens’ Covid-19 stimulus bill. Democrats were using a process called reconciliation to advance the $1.9 trillion legislation. It allowed Democrats to pass bills with a simple majority but subjects them to certain rules, making it more difficult to include provisions like the minimum wage in the final bill.

      So, yes, the vote against it for a reason. Facts matter folks.

    8. Mediocre_Daikon6935 on

      If there is a demand for labor, you don’t need to vote to increase the minimum wage.

    9. HermaeusMajora on

      They want you to believe that all of the gains made by American workers in the twentieth century were the result of a benevolent owner class that just opened its pockets and vaults for their treasured employees.

      No, everything the American worker enjoys was earned and taken through blood, sweat, and tears and involved either a union or some kind of democratic socialist in office. Most namely, FDR, who enacted democratic socialist policies and was working on a workers’ economic bill of rights to ensure that every working family was able to enjoy economic freedom and the dignity they deserve.

      The owner class never lets go of anything. When they have to surrender to something they immediately begin devising ways to claw it back whether legally or otherwise. The idea of “illegal” mostly amounts to business expenses to these people. They commit crimes with impunity and face fines at the worst and rarely even that.

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