Just give me the usual

    by ThisGonnaHurt


    1. Nigga who? Nigga what? Wasn’t even a black person in a 10 mile radius.


    2. That is the Takuache look, if anyone is interested in knowing. Takuache is Spanish for Possum.

    3. FEMA_Camp_Survivor on

      Hate to say a takeaway is the shit I thought only Black people did in high school, based on my personal experience, is not shit only black people do in high school.

    4. DelicateEmbroidery on

      Unless they grow they will have tough lives. Hopefully they have some positive adult role models who can help them.

    5. BlackDynamite58990 on

      Bad Asses sit in the chair and be like…”gimme the toadstool!”


    6. Aggressive-Sound-641 on

      the Edgar haircut is being surplanted by the 70’s baseball pitcher look(mustache, ball cap, and mullet)

    7. These little MF wayyyy too comfortable saying nigga. They just be letting that shit fly. I’m not trying to see the consequences of popping a minor in the mouth but I feel like I’m gonna end up testing it one day

    8. I’m just impressed by how all those girls got in there to break it up. I never saw other students try to break up fights when I was a kid.

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