
    by alliereev


    1. Buttcurvyshort on

      Its so special how memories of our pets stick with us. They leave such a big mark on our lives that we keep them in our hearts forever

    2. Coming home and expecting my dog to greet me, as he did for so many years, is something I still long for. Even though I know he’s gone, I can’t help but hope for that moment again. I hope you’re being a good boy up there and getting plenty of belly rubs, my dude!

    3. RelevantButNotBasic on

      For those that wonder if their animals go to heaven the answer has to be yes, otherwise where does Jesus keep his white horse?

    4. TheQuickBrownFox7 on

      The pet keeps on living even after passing away for as long as we remember them. How they smell, how they behave, how their own individual quirks respond to situations.

      I think of them when I’m alone. Like imagine them. If I’m sitting on a chair having dinner, where would she be sitting. Is she watching me? Is she standing with front paws resting on my thigh as she grows impatient with her share of the snack? How she would tap my thighs with her pads to inform me that the pace of our alternate snacking is too slow.

      How she is cuddling my feet on the ground as she feels I am sad missing her.

      I miss my baby girl. I’m not crying, you are.

    5. thenotsofunnyside on

      I wasn’t a dog person growing up. Just wasn’t around them, in fact I was more than a little scared of them.

      All that changed when I met my dad. He had a black dog called Megan, and the moment I walked into his house she just took to me, and I to her.

      She’s getting old now. She gets greyer and slower with each Scotland visit.

      I’ve started dreading phone calls from my dad, because one day soon it’s gonna be him calling me to tell me she’s gone.

    6. Content-Restaurant70 on

      I still remember Mickey, my pet female bunny, she hit and injured her nose.

      I being a child, and no experience with pets, couldn’t figure out that. She was lathergic from morning to dusk. We were confused by her odd behaviour, but couldn’t figure it out.

      Evening came.

      My father returned from office with a friend of his, we told father’s friend about the bunny, he looked and instantly recognisned the subtle injury, but it was too late.

      She was no more next morning.

      I only wish I was not naive enough, she would have been a grown up rabbit now.

      ॐ शांति
      Rest in Peace

    7. It’s the 5th dogloss related pic today. When I get home I have to hug him and pet him sooo hard and give him treats and sticks and bones and gelato. Can doggos have gelato?

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