The 1985 movie Clue was released theatrically with three completely different endings. Each screening would randomly show one. The home video release of the movie contained all three endings.

    by footballnotsoccer320


    1. i_chose_this_shit on

      Oh wow, I didn’t know they didn’t show all 3 theatrically. What a way to get people to see it multiple times.

    2. GrimaceMusically on

      It wasn’t exactly “random”, most theaters showed you which ending was being shown on the marquee and in the paper when they listed showings. At least where I lived, you knew going in what ending you were going to see, they were labeled A, B, and C at all the theaters by me.
      Edit: spelling

    3. aWittyTwit-2712 on

      We crawled theatres in Toronto, trying to find the different endings🤙🇨🇦

    4. Available-Anxiety280 on

      I kind of wish they did a similar thing again.

      A massive event flick, highly published but with very little context… And only show it for one day. Something along the lines of Cloverfield.

      And then… That’s it. One day. No media release. No streaming. Just make it AN EVENT.

    5. imagine seeing Clue in theaters and not knowing the ending.. what an interactive experience!! its a mystery worth watching again..

    6. EditorRedditer on

      “Don’t tell anyone the ending, it’s the only one we have.”

      Alfred Hitchcock: ‘Pyscho’

    7. PhillyChef3696 on

      I hated her so… much… it… it… the… it… the… flames… flames… flames… on the side of my face… breathing… breathless… heaving breaths… heaving…

    8. Anyone who hasn’t seen this movie you absolutely must. It’s fantastic and a cult classic for a reason.

    9. The title has to be misleading. This would have been film. A projectionist would have built the movie with a pre-existing ending. There’s no way a projectionist would splice in and out endings every showing. As such, endings were contingent upon reel distribution and which numbered theater you saw the film in… there’s a world where a projectionist might do splicing in a per day basis, but that’s pretty insane and unrealistic given damage to the real (eg cigarette burns) and added work to an otherwise low pay position.

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