This comes days after allegations that he was communicating with Netanyahu to slow-walk Gaza ceasefire negotiations until after the election 😒

    by Pessimist2020


    1. Can anyone imagine a time when a presidential nominee called his competitors a sanitary product?


    2. Background-Moose-701 on

      If I was a powerful person in the GOP and this dude with all his bullshit failed in this election after all this effort money spent and embarrassment, I’d cut my losses so to speak. And make sure he couldn’t do any more damage.

    3. justanemptyvoice on

      Someone else wrote that for him, because he hasn’t been that coherent in awhile

    4. I don’t think Trump wrote that.

      Doesn’t mention how awesome Trump is in comparison, he would not pass up an opportunity for some ego stroking, and no words are capitalized.

    5. He was s literally a blindfolded monkey flinging shit in any direction hoping to hit something…. Anything

    6. He has no room to talk about bad VP picks. Vance may be the worst in the last 100 years.

    7. Maybe less blame on the Biden administration and more blame placed on Netanyahu who desperately needs to keep the war going because when all this ends then he’s facing trial.

    8. This dude is so easily manipulated, it says alot about the people he is in turn manipulating. Years of propaganda agaisnt the american people has led to this.

    9. I would love to see this prick see some actual consequences for this. Goddamned traitorous fuck.

    10. Affectionate_Reply78 on

      He was only able to get a few rage buzz words in but they have to make room for tampon now so immigration, LGBT and Chicago have to be set aside.

    11. Flock-of-bagels2 on

      Israel can deal with their own bullshit. The US has its own problems. Being the world’s police isn’t America’s job . I stole that from the Republican playbook, even though they always end up sending people to war because Raytheon and Boeing

    12. UkrainianHawk240 on

      yeah because the middle east is always peaceful when republicans are in the area /s

    13. Joey_BagaDonuts57 on

      Fearmonger in chief says nobody can do anything without him.

      Where have we heard that before?

    14. travisstone31 on

      The United States has become the most embarrassing country in the world. This is the behaviour of a “world leader” that about half the country is supporting??? Really?

    15. Gee I think that would be called the Secretary of State who’s been pretty much living there for the last 3 months but hey let’s not worry about things like the truth and reality right Diaper Don?

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