Publicity shot for the film.

    by robbjuteau


    1. I was eight years old, it was my dad’s weekend to have my brother (age 6) and I. He and the step monster thought Barbarella was just another Sci Fi flick…so they loaded us up with three of our step-siblings (7,8,10 yrs old) and dropped us off at the theater. First time to see a whole naked woman, first time to see a lot of things…my step brothers, my brother, and I sat there in stunned silence…my step sister was “This is wrong, we should not be watching this.” so we bought her silence with a box of popcorn and some milk duds.

    2. It’s so 60s!

      I can’t imagine what the remake is going to look like. Sydney Sweeney is in it, so that might be all they need.

    3. This movie is hilarious! A Super cult classic movie. Duran Duran got their name from this film. It’s awesome. 👏 😎 I wonder if this was her debut?

    4. This movie and Zardoz are opposite sides of the same coin. One has Sean Connery in a red mankini, one has Jane Fonda in…space. Whichever floats your boat more.

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