MAGA voting for a pedophile i will never understand

    by the-florist


    1. This is all you need to understand their mind set:

      “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”

      -John Kenneth Galbraith

      They rage against pedophilia, but refuse to support programs and policies that reduce the chance of it like early sex education and forcing priests to be mandatory reporters because it goes against their selfish desires. They’ll scream that they support the vets, but refuse to give them easily accessible health and mental care because they think it will cost them a few bucks more.

    2. So, the MAGA GOP is the preferred party of pedophiles, fascists, neo-Nazis, racists, and misogynists.

      I don’t think that’s the Big Tent most folks want to support.

    3. Omega_Zarnias on

      While we may yet find out that RFK jr is a pedo scum bag, there’s no proof yet.

      He’s convincingly (imo) gone on to say essentially “look, I’m from a well known family. You have parties where these people are invited. You go to these parties. I didn’t know”.

      Honestly, the guy seems like enough of a fucking doofus that I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for now. If proof comes out, I’ll update this.

      We don’t need to just go around calling our political opponents pedophiles, it only devalues the word.

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