In hindsight, Zootopia was kind of a weird allegory

    by Ironfighter19


    1. Sometimes correlation is just reaching for what someone needs to be connected in their mind.

    2. you’re not supposed to take it 100% cause you’re not an animal, think what it’s trying to say.

    3. I hated this movie because it was bland and generic story of don’t judge a book by its cover and robbed Moana of an Oscar

    4. In hindsight? That was evident immediately.

      Remember the whole “cute” quote and touching hair?

    5. I mean, this same problem is why fantasy is kinda known to be kinda bad at tackling racism. When you try to do a ham fisted metaphor for racism, it either makes no sense and is fairly obviously a plot device and nothing else; or you go full *Bright* and make it so that the racism makes so much sense it comes across as a pretty reasonable reaction.

      The only way to depict racism well is, honestly, to just have straight up racism in your setting. There are no massively overpowered predators, and there was no ancient genocidal war committed by the Orcs, there’s just a bunch of people that are bigots because they’re xenophobic and uneducated.

    6. It was a lot worse in the first drafts. In early versions of the movie, the carnivores all wore shock collars and it was a coming-of-age thing when a kid got fitted with one.

    7. Zootopia is a movie about racism. It directly correlates to the racism in America’s history of the 1980s. It’s not even subtle about it. Why is anyone surprised?

    8. StarFire24601 on

      Tbf it represents bigotry generally,  not just racism but also things like sexism. It’s not supposed to be a direct comparison to one particular thing.

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