The beauty of showing compassion towards others is truly powerful

    by AbductedByAliens8


    1. Penny-Pinscher on

      Looks silly and over engineered. Could probably make 3 more affordable normal looking tiny houses with the resources spent on this. The research and marketing expenses alone are depressing to think about how they could have gone to feeding people. Everyone wants to reinvent the wheel.

    2. Turbulent-Permit7472 on

      Come on guys atleast germany did something for the homeless.
      What’s the reason to criticize them?

    3. I used to do volunteer work with the local homeless population. The shelters only covered about half, so every other night they were forced to sleep outdoors, this would be a massive improvement. Plenty of them had frostbite during the winter.

      Yes, the long term solution is affordable housing. But until that becomes a reality we should explore every possibility to make their lives a little bit better.

    4. energybluewave on

      I had a friend from work who became homeless six years ago. He said he was fortunate to have several programs available to him for help. They helped him find work and low income housing.

      He said he never saw someone being refused a place to sleep in the shelter, unless they were aggressive/violent or clearly on drugs.

    5. blood_dean_koontz on

      Quit telling us what to do. If you wanna help the homeless, get off your ass, quit karma farming on Reddit, and go do it.

    6. RedApple-Cigarettes on

      Idk cause I’m always torn on the homeless issue. On one hand I don’t think anyone should have to go without basic living needs. On the other I have a little story. The town I live in has had a recent uptick in its homeless population, and I go to a head shop where a bunch of homeless guys hang outside of. They are constantly leaving these GIANT messes of shit outside the store, when there’s accessible garbages within 10 ft. A lot of homeless people are also violent or drug addicts. I’m confident if we built these in my town it’d be less than a month before one guy kills another to be able to be the one who sleeps inside.

    7. Technically wouldn’t you refer to them as “Pod people” instead of “Homeless People”…

    8. sierraevergreen on

      Compassion is beautiful. The cold is scary.

      The US would call this an “experience” and monetize it as a vacation for the wealthy.

    9. bigbrainintrovert on

      wow, it’d be a shame if someone illegally imported these pods over here, because that would be showing you actually give a damn. /s

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