Germany has done a 180 since WWII, and Japan is far behind in apologizing to the countries they occupied and the civilians they killed.

    Nanking, Comfort Women, and Unit 731 aren’t nearly talked about as much as the Nazis.

    Every time someone brings up Germany, I feel like Nazis are brought up in the conversation, but when Japan is, it’s all about anime and how futuristic they are… people are also just recently in the past decade discovering how xenophobic Japan is.

    I’m not even making this into a genocide competition, I’m trying to show the hypocrisy that I see.

    I love Japan for their culture, but I feel like we should be holding Japan to the same standard that we hold Germany to if we’re going to talk about WW2.

    by bridget14509


    1. Pristine_Guard_5619 on

      Do you really think jews are equal to asians who are from developing countries and don’t have a voice. You’re delusional.

    2. I’d say the biggest difference is relevance to the countries and grandparents. Considering that on most of reddit and general online English language discussions tend to be dominated by people from north America and western Europe.

      As a kid i could cycle 35m to a former German concentration camp. There are still scars from the liberation in my hometown. All the elderly remember the German occupation. Japan was mostly an problem in Asia and colonial possessions. I only know one person who openly spoke about the Japanese and that was just to roast their food (she was in a Japanese concentration camp and said the food was the worst part).

      I’d bet money that in Asia the situation is completely reversed. Japan is seen as the big bad guy and Germany as a sideshow.

    3. Literally everyday on this sub someone does lame meme about how “NoOnE tAlK aBoUt JaPaNeSe CrImEs”. SMH. Is this because anime?

    4. MasterpieceVirtual66 on

      Paid War Debts? Ask countries like Poland and see how much they have paid back. Countless looted Polish works of art are still in Germany and haven’t been returned aswell.

    5. SweetExpression2745 on

      The main reason for it is that in the West Germany was remembered as a much bigger threat, while Japan was remembered as just taking colonies.

      Tldr: blame Eurocentrism.

    6. ArcticBiologist on

      >no one seems to talk about what the Japanese did during WW2

      It’s one of the most popular topics on this sub

    7. JonathanTheZero on

      That’s a very western look on it though. In East Asia, Japan is definitely remebered for their war crimes and while most people know about the German war crimes, the first association is usually beer and cars

    8. If you want a specific example…Josef Mengele. People love talking about Mengele and the other Nazi “scientists” who did horrific experiments on living human beings. Yet, Japan was doing these same sorts of experiments on people during that period and you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who isn’t a history nerd that knows about it.

    9. The japanese and korean guard fucked up my grandads brother so bad that when he came back to Scotland then moved to Hungary and became a communist 😂 rest easy C.Coutts

    10. Plastic-Register7823 on

      26 million in the Soviet Union, 4 million in Poland, almost 1 million in France+Britain, 1 million in Yugoslavia, 300,000–800,000 in Greece. Some thousands in other countries. That’s 33-34 million.

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