At least is from Ikea and not Walmart

    by Emotional_platypuss


    1. I saw that gorgeous thing on Reddit earlier. I don’t care what anyone says THATS the shit that should have taken the kids to Narnia, not the basic ass wardrobe in the movie.

    2. 🎶IKEEEEAAAA…..

      Just some oak and some pine and a handful of Norsemen


      Selling furniture for college kids and divorced men🎶

    3. My grandparents left me a beautiful table that they owned for a half a century and was in perfect shape. Within a few months of being in my apartment, my dumbass manages to get several stains on it. All the furniture that I love and have owned for years either was passed down to my mom and then to me or was given directly to me by my grandparents. Items that have lasted for decades and will last for decades more.

    4. kayl_breinhar on

      It’s nice to be left with heirlooms.

      It’s NOT nice to have to *move* heirlooms when you’re forced to be practically fucking **nomadic** because of capricious rent increases.

    5. Easier to dust/clean and you can put books and such in the white one! But you loose out on the portal to Narnia.

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