Meanwhile the Donald is breaking down

    by MothersMiIk


    1. He had a complete meltdown on his social thing tonight. This is just a tiny sample.

    2. Virtual-Squirrel-725 on

      The harder Donald tries to convince the world he is ok, the more he proves something is seriously wrong with him.

      “where’s Hunter?” WTF?. Where’s your “wife” dude? That’s a bigger question.

    3. Assistant coaches on high school football teams are called “coach.”

      “Too many thank yous?”

      It took her a while to get started because the audience didn’t stop cheering for several minutes.

      Why is he asking about Hunter Biden? Does he *still* think he’s running against Biden?

    4. I’m guessing being overwhelmed by gratitude is something Trump has never experienced.

    5. Please keep rage tweeting all night and out as much stress on your heart as possible Donold!

    6. medicinecat88 on

      I wonder if you can project images onto that bulletproof glass. Like the images they project onto Trump’s buildings.

    7. Does he think Hunter goes and hangs around every Democratic function? Or is he just missing Hunter’s dick?

    8. Donald has been broken down since his earliest campaigning for the 2016 election when he made fun of a handicapped person…. and then people actually voted for him. America is sick indeed.

    9. Don’t you think the likes and re-tweet numbers look like they are bot driven? Hmmmm can’t imagine he’d ever instruct the coders to increment the counters.

    10. Kadlekins_At_Work on

      “where’s hunter?”

      Sorry, Donnie – the Democrats figured it’s not a good look to have a convicted felon who has no place in government (figuratively and literally) speak at their convention. I guess the GOP had their own ideas about that.

    11. lol, no one cares about Hunter. They didn’t then, and they sure a hell don’t now. 🤣

    12. Has anyone tried the ai manipulation posts against trump? Cause I have a suspicion that the account is now run by a bot.

    13. CapTexAmerica on

      For a guy who owns properties that he generates a passive income from, he’s letting waaaaay too many people live in his head rent-free.

    14. sadetheruiner on

      I’ll take an assistant coach over a repeatedly failed and bankrupted “business” “man” felon sex offender that believes windmills give you cancer, that the body is a battery, thinks you can nuke hurricanes, suggested injecting disinfectants, shut down pandemic response in 2018, insurrection driving, weird OLD man.

    15. thetransportedman on

      It definitely eats him up inside that the whole normal world is having a grand old time with an enthusiastic rally while he’s left with the fringe weirdos that he himself doesn’t even like

    16. Hunter was literally on stage after Joe Biden’s speech.

      Where else does this dumb fuck want him to be?

      So weird.

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