The USA is becoming the land of the stupid and brainless.

    by WillingnessNatural50


    1. hellopjsjsjsjsjaja on

      And zero is the sentence you get for insider trading as a member of Congress.

    2. This is just painfully bold faced insanity. Everyone should like this post and we should get as high as we can. Such an insane juxtaposition!!!

    3. morally_dyslexic on

      Let his name go down in the annals of douchebaggery, Allen Turner, formerly Brock Allen Turner, the guy who changed his name simply because the internet never forgets he raped an unconscious woman next to a dumpster and would have gotten away with it if not for a couple of students seeing him in the act. His father wrote a letter to court, to quote: “[The sentence] is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life.”

      [Wiki link](

    4. Speculatively speaking. How long will they change their tune when one of their daughters gets raped and pregnant?

    5. AwfulUsername123 on

      I looked up Alabama’s rape law and it says

      > (a) A person commits the crime of rape in the first degree if he or she does any of the following:

      > ……………

      > (2) Engages in sexual intercourse with another person who is incapable of consent by reason of being incapacitated.

      > ……………

      > (b) Rape in the first degree is a Class A felony.

      This means it’s the same level of crime as performing an illegal abortion and also punishable by a maximum of 99 years in prison.

    6. Lord_Stabbington on

      Prison sentences (and which demographics attract harsher ones) tell you everything you need to know about a society.

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