Kamala’s nieces teaching us how to pronounce “Kamala”

    by MothersMiIk


    1. I thought at the end when she said “Put it together….” I thought they were going to say “President Kamala”

    2. They know how to pronounce her name they just think they’re being funny. They don’t realize that they aren’t being witty cause they never had to “play the dozen” or had a “roasting session” so they cant understand that basement ass jokes like that are just sad

    3. Geologist_Present on

      When white people pretend to not know how to say Kamala I get unhealthy mad. Like, it’s bad for me. I need to not be near that bullshit.

    4. Propaganda. Let’s talk issues like inflation, jobs, crime, world politics. Oh that’s right. You can’t because of the Dems record. That’s kinda weird!

    5. spicybeefpatty_ on

      Huh, always thought the correct pronunciation was “Kum-la” since it’s an Indian name.

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