Adam Kinzinger, Former Illinois Representative and Republican, putting country over party and endorsing Kamala Harris

    by yerffejytnac


    1. zanymadcaphumor on

      Putting the good of the country first is so rare these days. Mr. Biden’s choice was an outstanding example of doing the right thing for the country.

      Edited: corrected typo.

    2. That was a powerful speech. “To my fellow Republicans, Democrats are just as patriotic as we are…”
      “Our policy differences pale in comparison to our bedrock principles”

      He’s in the big tent and there’s plenty more room.

    3. Not sure why people are surprised by this. Republicans hate Trump for usurping their party, that’s why they tried to do everything in their power to not have him be the nominee; of course they’ll pick four years of establishment business as usual over four more years of Orange Man.

    4. Love all these patriotic brave Republicans who stand up to Trump…. after they have retired.

    5. Love Kinzinger. Based. Principled. We need more like him. It’s interesting AF that we don’t have more politicians with a spine like him.

    6. “A small man, pretending to be big…” did you notice the hand size gesture ? It was subtle, but I think he just made small dick joke about Trump? Did I imagine that?

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