[OC] Impact of ending Affirmative Action at MIT

    by tabthough


    1. Source: [https://mitadmissions.org/apply/process/profile/](https://mitadmissions.org/apply/process/profile/)

      Tools: Excel, PowerPoint

      The biggest change comes from fewer people reporting multiple ethnicities / races. For the class of 2024-2027, 10% of the population reported more than one ethnicity / race (e.g., Hispanic and White or Black and White). For the class of 2028, this dropped to 1%.

      This could be because MIT admitted fewer biracial / multiracial students, or it could be because more biracial / multiracial students decided to report only one of their identities this year.

    2. I’m sorry OP but this graph is giving me cancer. It’s not beautiful at all. There are a million things going on, and you have to spend so much time decoding what it means.

      I don’t know what everyone’s stance on affirmative action is, but I want to bring it back so you never had the idea of displaying this data in this way

    3. RowRowRowRobert on

      The way you made each bar’s “starting point” the same as the “ending point” of the previous bar makes this so annoying to read.

      What an ugly way to present data

    4. areyouentirelysure on

      Aka, who has been discriminated under affirmative action? We all know the answer but it’s good to see some data.

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