The company I work for hosts a lobster boil for us every year.

    by DoDoBot48


    1. “I’ll have your finest food stuffed with your second finest. Excellent, sir. Lobster stuffed with pop tarts.”

    2. I see you have opted for the canned mug root beer with a side of pop tart. Excellent choice sir!

    3. LookAwayPlease510 on

      Did you know it takes a lobster 7 years to weigh a pound, I believe each additional pound is 4 years, but I’m not positive.

      Pop Tarts can still be eaten after 7 years, so, common ground.

    4. As a Mainer I’m pretty sure this is illegal. 5 year prison sentence minimum I believe. I’m not a lawyer though

    5. I hope this has already been said, but take them rubber bands off BEFORE cooking. No one likes the taste of rubber.

    6. The choice of pop tarts as the side and root beer to wash it down makes me question the origin and quality of the lobster. This was conceived by a sick person. Is there even butter for dippin?

    7. Take the bands off before boiling. It bleeds rubber taste into it. My guess is these were boiled alive. Cut into the middle of the body and head then take the rubber off right before they go into a rolling boil

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