Premature Assassination attempt

    by BPTeehee


    1. Not to mention he kept going on about how he’ll definitely get the black vote now as if we are all getting shot at all the time and can relate to that shit.

    2. Nah, 28-3 is fucking crazy. I still reference that shit regularly.

      Fun fact: the previous record for biggest Super Bowl comeback was 10 points. Patriots broke the record by 150%. Or, I should say, Falcons allowed a comeback of record proportions, two and a half times over.

      They will never live that shit down in my heart. I forget Trump got shot at all the time.

    3. AggravatingUnit6935 on

      I mean, the tampon industry got a boost in sales…that is what those wierdos had on their ears during the RNC right?

    4. ThereAreDozensOfUs on

      50 Cent, Ice Cube and the other platinum club members know that it’s damn near impossible to make a jizz cup cool or stylize a tampon on an ear. Nobody wants to see 50 in a diaper to support Trump

      They’re weird as shit.

    5. Considering he “needed” a bandage for twenty minutes, why would anyone care longer than that?

    6. HalfricanTallBull on

      Meanwhile his ear is completely normal now after an apparent sniper round “hit” him

    7. FEMA_Camp_Survivor on

      Damn that second to last tweet is interesting. Life is short but if we spend time doing good for others they’re less likely to look forward to one’s obituary.

    8. Ok-Permission-2687 on

      He low key planning for another one in November. That, or he’s gonna bring the tissue out and claim his hearing has been damaged

    9. hnglmkrnglbrry on

      My BIL texted me, “Bro Trump got shot in the head,” and within literally 2 texts we were talking about our poker game that night.

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