Mad people.

    by Bitter-Gur-4613


    1. HiramAbiff2020 on

      “They will pay one of US, To kill one of US, Just to say it was one of US”-Malcolm X

    2. It’s embarrassing how we freely let people invoke radical civil rights leaders in service of the institutions they very clearly and loudly were against

    3. My people love Donald Trump because he makes Tim Walz look like Malcolm in the Middle.

      Edit; come on its a play on words. Trump sucks.

    4. Beneficial_Outcomes on

      I would be genuinely curious to know what he would think about the modern world

    5. Do…do people even read history anymore? The idea that this question was even asked (if serious) is blowing my wig back. 🤯

    6. Frognosticator on

      I assume this Reverend is just a provocateur and a hack, trying to stir the pot and get attention for himself?

      Ignore. Move on.

      I’m excited for our next president to be an intelligent, hard-working, and frankly beautiful woman who also happens to be black. 

      Let’s get her people in Congress too so they can get back to work on expanding voter protection, fixing climate change, and lowering the cost of living.

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