J.K. Rowling deletes Tweets following Lawsuit From Boxer Imane Khelif

    by aska33j


    1. No tweets from Rowling? Absolute win for everyone already. Hope she gets destroyed in the lawsuit

    2. Automatic_Ad_9390 on

      The proudest moment of imane’s life is shutting up JK growling. Next is the gold medal

    3. Rare_Philosophy8244 on

      Doesn’t the uk have really robust lible laws? I feel like she was always threatening people with using them.

    4. If they thought, that their words were true and good and reasonable, why would Joanne delete their posts?

    5. Pristine_Manner_755 on

      A few things

      1. JKR rarely backs down in these situations
      2. She has got plenty of disposable resource to throw at lawyers
      3. She has been doing this for years, and I suspect she’s been advised on where the line is.

      I don’t think we should get too excited about an outcome here. Boycotting the books, boycotting Warner and any sponsors will hit her harder than anything else.

    6. That tweet has been Community Noted. Rowling didn’t delete any tweets related to Khelif. You are spreading wrong information.

    7. This is a nonstory bc the tweets she deleted weren’t about the Khelif situation. Pure clickbait nonsense

    8. NoGravitasAtoll on

      I’m sure somebody has mentioned this already but this is because J. K. Rowling lives in Europe, where they have very different libel/defamation laws.


      The penalties could include extreme fines and potential imprisonment.

      Deleting tweets will not help her.


    9. Not a Rowling fan, but has anyone checked this assumption before celebrating and sharing? Because I’ve read multiple times now that she did not delete anything. Also, several people pointed out that she regularly stops tweeting for weeks or months. So nothing special here.

    10. DuchessOfAquitaine on

      That hateful woman is about to learn the cost of running her ugly mouth. So are a few other assholes.

    11. DougNSteveButabi on

      When Rowling first started being accused of being homophonic and everything else, I blindly defended her, because she had such a positive impact on so many kids with the potter series. But that was like 10-15 years ago and this bitch still hasn’t learned

    12. Affectionate-Row3498 on

      Remember when the things posted here were actually interestingaf? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

    13. So she will go to jail for her ‘freedom’ to harass people, but not when it affects her pocketbook?

    14. ElementalSaber on

      Remember how she stated she would willing to to jail over her bullying and transphobia? Not so tough now when your target calls your bluff.

    15. On a side note, it’s still good to hear that despite Elon’s renaming of Twitter almost two years ago, people are still calling it Twitter and still calling posts made there “Tweets”. It shows how dumb Elon Musk really is.

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