Why are women super against this now when its literally all in her lyrics rapping about the nastiest shit and everyone was fine and not cringed out or embarrassed ? Whys make up the reason everyone wants to download some sense now LOL we been tellin you this woman is here just to spread BS in the blk community. She’s just out here doing coon shit spreading stereotypes

    by NosferatuZ0d


    1. “That’s such a pretty shade of lipgloss!”

      “Thank you! It’s gonorrhea💅🏽”

    2. She did an interview talking about launching these a long time ago now. I’m not sure why it’s a surprise now either. She’s leaning hard into her wheelhouse. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s marginally successful either. She’s not for me in the slightest but it is interesting to see all the chatter. 

    3. If I give my wife the gift of Gonerrhea and Yellow Discharge for Christmas do you think she’ll return the favor and get me Blue Ballz?

    4. BlackDynamite58990 on

      Speak with your dollars and viewership/attention


    5. We allow this. We let some white boy run her A & R campaign. She thinks this is Hot & Funny. We’ll never be free🤦🏽‍♂️

    6. Icy-Junket465 on

      The real questions. If you don’t want your daughter walking around with this in her pocket why let her hear these same words in songs over and over and over again? The world been sus.

    7. Hunter-Gatherer_ on


      As a species, a nation, a population, the whole damn thing. Just fucking dumb.

    8. Black woman here. My issue was never with her lyrics. And I don’t care about the makeup line either, because capitalism will do its thing with or without me.

      My issue is she’s an idiot-bitch who has no scruples and will say or do anything that gets her a temporary boost. She is exactly the type of grifter the right winger/conservative/MAGAs like to use to exploit other idiots just like her.

    9. urtechhatesyou on

      Gee, I too wonder why women are drawing the line at “Pussyhole Pink” lip gloss🤔🤔🤔

    10. All i know is, when im 80, she will be winning grammys for “Nut Ass Shit Juice” and get a Nobel Prize too, and my grandkids will talking about it casually with pride, and i will know what its like to be old and out of touch

    11. I will bite, I think parts of the community, men or women, are turning in Sexy because her presentation initially felt very authentic. Now it feels extremely performative and paired with her bad politics(which some people care about since she is very vocal about them), it makes it harder to tolerate her actions.

    12. _TheLonelyStoner on

      White people in the industry love boosting people like Sexxy Red because she is exactly what a lot of them think about Black women. They genuinely believe this represent a majority of us. I hate to say I want her to fail but our culture only losses when people like her win.

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