Outlining your candidate’s Economic Policy

    by Oystermeat


    1. Greedy-Bookkeeper460 on

      Trump is a delusional, racist, psychopath. I am not surprised he got the GOP nomination three elections in a row

    2. We kinda know what the Trump economic plan is.

      More tax cuts for the rich and businesses, cut social programs and benefits for veterans and lower income Americans.

      It’s like a broken record.

    3. davekingofrock on

      Lots of great polling and entertaining puff piece articles about the clown and his frown but for the love of all things good and holy….do not get complacent. FUCKING VOTE!

    4. That’s just about the biggest lie that that rug-headed, beady-eyed, plug-ugly pile of sewage given sentience has ever said.

    5. Barack_Odrama_007 on

      Ugh it’s so embarrassing how many voting Americans will support this narcissistic lying fraudster.

    6. Marvination23 on

      Project 2025 is his policies but he will never talk about his policies on his rallies because he WILL LOSE them. He’s betting on winning first before destroying America as we know it.

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