But he is a convicted felon 🤷‍♂️

    by WeaponHex1638


    1. Available-Elevator69 on

      Calling him “not a convicted felon is defamatory”

      Get your facts right.

    2. The fear is showing. What happened to the t-shirts bragging “I’m voting for the convicted felon” Not funny anymore?

    3. dontdisturbus on

      Saying that Trump, convicted felon, is a convicted felon will get you sued.

      Saying that Michelle Obama is a man will get you retweeted by Trump.

      I love it

    4. Trump is a convicted felon Trump is a convicted felon Trump is a convicted felon Trump is a convicted felon. Come get me boys.

    5. YoulaughIcry69 on

      I see people wearing maga hats daily and I don’t think you could pay me to wear one. The embarrassment that I would feel would just be too much. I pity them tho that they are that brain washed.

    6. Dear Moron:

      Take it up with the Justice System of New York.

      Fair Warning:

      Attempting to deny reality isn’t going to win you an election.

    7. Beneficial-Big-9915 on

      Saying a fact has become wrong under Maggot’s, the brain compute facts, not make believe.

    8. There is a different reality where republicans live. Its not based on facts or truth. I can only make sense of it by assuming there is some brain disease destroying these peoples logic center.

    9. I am saying this with intent to cause damage to his reputation. If it is untrue then it is slander:
      Trump is a convicted felon.

    10. I have seen MAGA people argue that a person isn’t really convicted until they have been sentenced.

      I swear, they all need refreshers on civics.

    11. Please sue me (I’ll happily defend a 1st amendment violation) – not to mention, these are all facts: He’s a convicted felon. He’s an adjudicated rapist. He’s a friend with pedophiles. He’s accused of SA of numerous individuals (including a minor). He brags about SA. He’s an adulterer. Should I go on? When can I expect my lawsuit? (Can it be soon, I want to countersue and retire).

    12. Specific_Hat3341 on

      This is an interesting perspective. Let’s work through it, starting with the most basic facts. A court convicted him. The charge he was convicted of was a felony. Those convicted of felonies are called felons. On the other hand …

      Nope. That’s it. He’s a convicted felon.

      What is the *deal* with these idiots?

    13. WeeklyJunket5227 on

      These clowns have slandered and defamed multiple people without a care in the world. Now, they’re upset at someone speaking a truth about them.

    14. Typical_Belt_270 on

      I looked this guy up and some of the people he is retweeting and now I’m scared. I feel like I just saw pennywise and I need to run away quickly and never look back.

    15. coopersgranny on

      Walks like a felon, talks like a felon, is a convicted felon…oh look it’s a felon

    16. Mike Davis has a micropenis that he likes to rub up against the dog when he thinks nobody is looking.

      Come at me you fascist piece of garbage.

    17. soulless_ginger81 on

      In order to successfully sue someone for defamation you have to prove what they said about you was not true. Donald Trump was absolutely convicted for multiple felonies.

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