what men want

    by Tomasisko


    1. Calvinbouchard2 on

      Somebody told her “no, no, you’re going to look SOOO good! You totally need this!”

      That’s the real supervillain.

    2. imagine being good looking and being dumb enough to be tricked into plastic surgery…

    3. Final-Link-3999 on

      It’s so depressing every time I see this comparison. She was so beautiful before, now she just looks bad

    4. We really need to call out the people conducting the surgeries, they prey on insecurities and make you feel like you need them to fit in

    5. I feel so bad for her, but what the fuck was she actually thinking? Body dysmorphia can be so insidious.

    6. Hephaestus_God on

      Wait… that’s the same person?

      The already beautiful starlight made herself ugly on purpose? She sure looks happy in the picture.

    7. I cannot believe those are both Erin Moriarty 😱😱😱😱 she seemed to be getting more and more work done as The Boys went on and losing a LOT of weight. But THIS is ridiculous.

    8. Why do people think stuff like this looks good? She was one of the most beautiful women ever but now she looks like something I can’t even describe without insulting her. Even with people who aren’t really as beautiful, they should really stop covering their imperfections with artificial “beauty” that just makes them look soulless and straight up ugly

    9. Ya know, right now I could just go relaxing rainstorm while I’m sitting on my porch.

      Yeah that’s what this man wants right about now.

    10. Dynamic_Dog_Daddy on

      The inverse of this?

      Guys that bench 400 and can’t squat 50. They think they look great and hot shit and most women don’t even really like the look.

    11. FragrantReindeer6152 on

      She had that girl next door thing going for her…now its like someone animated a skeleton and had to put skin on it. Really tragic she did it, she was way better before.

    12. SituationAltruistic8 on

      I don’t think she was influenced by a particular someone. It’s just the society we live in, models, and all the super “beautiful” people are being normalized, and celebrities adapt to it.

      She thinks she looks great, even tho she looked better before, I guess she didn’t get much approval of her pre surgery look, but I have no idea, and I don’t know her personally XD

    13. Impressive-Drawer-70 on

      Both photos she has obvious plastic surgery on thoughy


    14. nanaseiTheCat on

      while I agree completely she looked way better before those procedures/interventions, does anyone ever wondered what she wanted?

      she’s probably not male-gaze oriented, ya know?

      if anything, she was scammed / had her insecurities preyed upon

    15. It’s not what women think men want it’s what they think society want because of social media and stupid fashion trends. I’ve noticed the “plastic” look that dudes refer to as the “handsome Squidward” has become a basic girl’s staple in this era. Who knew influencers would end up actually having this much influence. Keep your daughters away from Instagram!!

    16. Outrageous_Tiger9921 on

      I thought she was very attractive and when I saw her in season 3 I was like no why!? It’s crazy how people really think this is attractive, it’s like self mutilation or something. Idk

    17. Both of those pics have to be post-surgery. She doesn’t look like herself in the “before” either.

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