The Sun Not 93 Million Miles Away

    by DemonOfNorth


    1. EatenAliveByWolves on

      I love how op posts some flat earth stuff and gets up voted. Love you guys, tin foil power! 💪

    2. calamariclam_II on

      Isn’t it just the rays being tilted towards the camera so it looks like they’re separating? Or is it something else?

    3. Yes it is, this is caused by refraction. Light does not always follow a straight path, the world is a bit more complicated than you can fit in your little noodle, and you don’t get to choose what is true and what is not.

    4. Yes it is, this is caused by refraction. Light does not always follow a straight path, the world is a bit more complicated than you can fit in your little noodle, and you don’t get to choose what is true and what is not.

    5. DestructoSpin7 on

      If the sun isn’t 93 million miles away why does this look exactly as you would expect it to if it was?

    6. improvementtilldeath on

      OP, try looking underwater. When you observe that objects appear different outside of water, congrats you just witnessed a refraction. Fun fact: did you know clouds are mostly water?

    7. The angle the sun light passes through clouds is thanks to reflection and refraction which makes it appear as if the light source is within the cloud.

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