“A guy would talk to a tree…” comic by me

    by beemovlite


    1. Kettrickenisabadass on

      I hate that stereotype that men would date any woman willing to date them. Men are very shallow, equally or more than women.

      I have been a “tomboy” all my life and I grew up hearing how “I was not a real woman”, “I was gross’, “Nobody would want to date me” or even male friends mimicking puking at the idea of dating me. When I got my 1st boyfriend at 20 many of ky friends laughed at the idea of me dating.

    2. BobbyJack_Says on

      My, my! What lovely…leaves you have. 🌳😍

      As a lady, I’m sure there are plenty of us that don’t mind the idea of approaching men~

      Unfortunately, we are just as frightened by rejection as you are.😅

      I definitely spend WAY more time wishing than actually doing it…

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