Party of Family Values?

    by Pessimist2020


    1. These people have too little brain cells and too much time on their hands, this is nuts.

    2. FredPSmitherman on

      I don’t think inmates from insane asylums are coming across the border 
      Rather domestic inmates are gathering at MAGA events 

    3. Someone thought “I know, I’ll sell white goo in tubs and call it JD Vance jizz!” A d somehow that was actually a good decision.

      I know the saying “A fool and his money are soon parted”, but what would this be? “The stupidest fucking idiot you’ve ever met will throw money at the most baffling stupid shit ever made.”.

    4. OrdinaryWeakness2052 on

      I am going to put a knotted balloon in a specimen jar and call it JD Vance’s colon polyp. I should make a mint.

    5. TelephoneBrave1132 on

      And *this* is why we call them weird. And the only reason the word “weird” is used is because calling them “sick fucks” would get censored.

    6. Yeah, I know it’s fucking weird. But man, I wish I could come up with one of these dumb products these dipshits seem to buy. Ear pillow? Fuck, I could have made a killing. Picture of a buff Trump embracing Jesus? I could sell a bunch. Sperm cup with the couch fucker’s face on it? Shit, they’ll buy anything.

    7. HermaeusMajora on

      What makes them think that Democrats can’t start families? I have three kids, goddammit. I’m also a veteran so fuck them very much.

    8. These rubes will waste their disability checks on almost anything. And the snake oil salesmen will happily take their last dime.

    9. RevolutionaryDebt200 on

      This suggests that a politician vying for (arguably) the second most powerful position in world politics spends his time wanking in order to provide “trophies” for his supporters.
      Whilst not entirely unbelievable, it certainly falls in to the category of “unusual “

    10. masstransience on

      That’s a new level of weird that I didn’t even expect from Trump. Trump’s gotta be so mad that Vance can even out weird him.

    11. Chemical_Actuary_190 on

      Does anyone know if JD was vaxxed against Covid? I know how those MAGAts like to claim they are unvaxxed, including their sperm and eggs. It would crush their semen dreams if JD is packing vaxxed jizz.

    12. If I wanted a doughy man child with guyliner that is Peter Thiel’s charity case and would treat me like a second class citizen then sure, I suppose JD’s weird seed is for me. Thank God I’m menopausal and not a MaWmAW to anyone

    13. SnooRobots2862 on

      I’m convinced someone from our side has infiltrated their group and is just seeing what wild shit they can convince them to do to “ own the libs “

    14. mildlysceptical22 on

      So weird and I’m not saying thst because ‘weird’ is the latest catchword being used.

      They’re fucking weird..

    15. GOP has been sadly hijacked by the MAGA cult and the Tea party morons, and are suffering from the the Stockholm syndrome since almost 2012 ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)

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