Oh, it’s game on then

    by ThisGonnaHurt


    1. Nah y’all need to see the clip she uploaded of their match. She beat him like he stole something 🤣

    2. Guys used to dump handful of quarters into Tekken to lose to my wife. Humbling, for them.

    3. TheRightToDream on

      Ill never recover from getting single combo’d by Anna twice in a row at 14.
      Still have CPTSD from Tekken 4 at the arcade.

    4. When it comes to tekken I like to go random cause it’s cool using everyone. But let you start talking shit, ima pull out Akira an beat the breaks off of you.

    5. Inside-Is-Winside on

      I don’t know what sexuality you’d call being into this exact thing, but I identify as that

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