Poor Surena, his succes was his downfall

    by properstokje


    1. Context: The Battle of Carrhae was fought in 53 BC between the Roman Republic and the Parthian Empire near the ancient town of Carrhae (present-day Harran, Turkey). An invading force of seven legions of Roman heavy infantry under Marcus Licinius Crassus was lured into the desert and decisively defeated by a mixed cavalry army of heavy cataphracts and light horse archers led by the Parthian general Surena.
      Surena was then executed by King Orodes II, the reason likely being that the king felt Surena could be a threat after his succes.

    2. TheHistoryMaster2520 on

      The Suren clan eventually broke away from the Parthian Empire in 19 CE as the Indo-Parthian Kingdom, 72 years after this battle

    3. This is why you amass power and influence continuously, then at the age of 72, steal the capital while your rival is away and leave the way open for your kids to found a new dynasty.

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